Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Kiss

Off work at 7:30 and it was time to watch to moon rise. Someplace on Capitol Hill has got to be nice for watching it rise. Well I wandered and wandered and found other things but not my epic spot. The water tower in Voluteer Park was quite nice but I got the boot, closing time. Ended up in a parking lot over looking a park. The moon was worth it. She's always worth it. So i watered myself and ate a clif bar. Bonus! found some gummi bears in my tool pocket.
Time to drink that beer I bought. Peace Park. Sweet lovely moon. Time, this time, was on my side. Went through my phone pics. Tired of the wallpaper I had. Settled for a pic of Klimt's "The Kiss."
Sitting in the bar with T2 on the tv. In walked a certain female who had once lent me space on her bed and fed me eggs in the midday. I had read the first four chapters of Cannery Row while the eggs were made. Steinbeck is good. I got myself out of there and bought a few titles by him, namely East of Eden. HO! What book am I holding in my bag as she walks in the bar. Yes good reader, Steinbeck's masterpeice. Call it what you will. The feeling of something larger crept into my head.
Nice story eh? Well I sure as hell didn't say anything right off the bat. Wouldn't be prudent. Lots of eye stuff. Mind bullets, Kage. Finally the moment is at hand. Buying her fifth gin and tonic, with the wise but uniteresting, choice of tanqueray. Well I thanked her for those eggs. Understanding smashed through the get the fuck away look on her face. All that small talk. Coinceidences and authors. Time to leave. Walking down the street with her at my elbow. Maybe more like my elbow at her.
This just isn't going to work out.
Some other dude gets the nod. Guess I saw him at the bar. The guy she was sitting with. Some classic name. Johnny Hotshit. I say everything is cool. Fonz. Looking up with a look that made me think that she was thinking my poor heart was shattering on account of her. Not quite. I'll live. Swiftly but lasting those sweet red lips moist but not wet.